Glossary of Terms
Each block of content on the homepage is called a pagelet. These pagelets display summary information within a small rectangular area on the page. The pagelets provide users with a snapshot of content and are controlled by their permissions and roles.
Position Competencies
The accumulation of core behaviors (task book, training, licenses and certification, position, and/or fitness), that define the requirements of a position for agency qualification.
Process Monitor
Function and screen of report component(s) in which the individual who is running the report can view the ‘Run Status’ (i.e., queued, processing, and success).
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is any information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, either alone or when combined with other types of information. Some PII may be non-sensitive such as information found on a business card, official email address, or work related phone number that generally does not require special handling. Sensitive PII requires special handling and must be protected against unauthorized access, use or disclosure at all times, including during storage, transmission, telework, and travel, to prevent harm, embarrassment, or unfairness to an individual. Examples of sensitive PII include, but are not limited to:
- Personal Identifiers such as passport, Tribal ID, driver’s license, and social security number (SSN)
- Date of birth, mother’s maiden name
- Personal email addresses, physical addresses, and phone numbers
- Medical history, biometrics, nationality, criminal history
- Credit card number, bank account information
- Consider the context, such as a list of employees with poor performance evaluations
The collection and use of SSNs are authorized only when necessary to meet a legal or regulatory requirement. IQCS does NOT have authorization to collect/store SSNs.
Primary Email
Individual’s primary email.
See: NWCG Data Standard
Primary Phone
Individual’s primary phone.
See: NWCG Data Standard
Position Currency Requirement
Position Qualification Requirements
Position Qualifications
Position Specific Standard
Position Task Book