Glossary of Terms
The process whereby the employing agency documents that the individual is approved to perform duties and responsibilities for a specified position. This includes the selection of the position to appear on the Incident Qualification Card and the position task book certification.
Competency Category
General function to filter competencies by a category such as fitness, position, task book, licenses and certificates, recurrent and training. Each competency in the system has been linked to a single category. The responder’s competency record is established and maintained at other screens and, in most cases, IQCS will automatically update the responder’s competencies screen.
Competency Code
Abbreviation up to seven characters that represents the competency title/description. The code is the key field in data tables that the system uses for competency records.
Competency Type
General function to filter competencies by type such as NWCG positions and ICS functional areas or job family.
Complex Competency
Identifies an instance where prerequisite experience and/or training is defined by more than one way to meet the requirement set for position qualification. All complex competency codes end with the suffix CPX (positions) or TPX (training).
Control Tables
Foundation for implementing agency standards in IQCS. Control tables serve numerous functions in the system including providing a place to establish and maintain the core data; eliminate redundant data entry by providing default values, and contribute to data integrity through uniformity and consistency of data entry.
Correct History
The most inclusive of action types. This action is not available on all pages. One goal of IQCS is to preserve true historical data so this action should be used judiciously and only when the data has been entered incorrectly.
Course Session
A single-scheduled training course. The session stores the specific date, location, meeting time, instructor(s), sponsoring unit, and course coordinator. Each session is assigned a session ID that defines it uniqueness from other like training courses.
Certifying Official User Role
IQCS role which gives permissions and access to certain components and pages for responder competency management. The role may be assigned to an IQCS user who has been delegated that authority by agency management and has completed the Certifying Official training course.
See IQCS Role Matrix for specific page access.
The capacity in which the overhead resource is qualified to perform a position. May also be used to define how the resource performed on a specific incident. In both cases the capacity is defined as “trainee” or “qualified”.
See: NWCG Data Standard
Certifying Official