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Glossary of Terms

A - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - P - Q - R - S - T - U - W


  • Administrative Action

    Used to change the qualification status of a position for a responder. This action is taken on the Incident Qual Card page and requires a justification explaining the reason for the change before the action can be saved.

    Also called: Admin Action

  • Authorized Session Access

    IQCS applies security to training session management. Only those individuals with designated access will be able to make changes to session data and completion. These individuals are the session creator, course coordinator, and those identified under the authorized session access.

  • Account Manager User Role

    IQCS role that has wide-capabilities in IQCS to add and modify qualification-related responder records within the assigned organizational codes. This includes incident experience, training, career development, Incident Qualification Cards, contact data, employment information, and Incident Qualifications in general. Account Managers are given authority to manage the training and certification by local Agency Management.

    See IQCS Role Matrix for specific page access. 

  • Administrative Location

    Physical address of where the responder administrative records are maintained. May be different from Duty Location.

  • Agency Lead Role

    Assigned to national representatives of each participating agency who are responsible for applying agency standards, policies, and IQCS business practices.  Access includes the ability to view all data on responders within their own agency and limited capability to edit values in certain foundation tables in the application.

  • Authorizing Official

    The individual who is authorized to change a responder’s experience status from qualified, trainee or blocked on the Incident Qualification Card. The Authorizing Official is usually the Certifying Official, but can be someone else such as another supervisor or manager.

  • Awarding Official

    The individual who is authorized to manually award a competency to a responder’s qualifications. The Awarding Official is usually a supervisor, manager or the Certifying Official but can be delegated to the account manager level.

  • Agency Organization

    A code and title used to uniquely identify a particular agency organizational unit that is used for grouping responder records and enforcing security access. Agency organization are linked to an agency.

    Also called: Org Code, Organization, Organization Code

    See agency organizational codes and structure

  • Agency (aka Set ID)

    A five character code used to represent an agency. Also utilized to establish the agency’s organizational structure and reflect qualification requirements.