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Glossary of Terms

A - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - P - Q - R - S - T - U - W


  • Last Activity Date

    Track how often activity is performed on a responder’s account. This field is updated with the current date whenever any activity occurs on the responder’s account. After 3 years, IQCS will identify responders who have not had activity on their account and automatically place them into INAC status. If no activity is performed on an account in 5 years, IQCS will archive the responder.

  • Licenses and Certificates

    A page in the application to manage external certifications, licensing, warrants, and/or agency-defined specialties. IQCS will track information that applies to position qualification and certification because the expiration of a license or warrant will result in the loss of a qualification. 

  • Location Code

    The IQCS identifier used to define a physical address for a responder’s administrative and duty location.

  • Lead Instructor

  • Last Name

    The last name of the resource as it appears on a government issued ID. Applies only to overhead resources.

    See: NWCG Data Standard

  • Local Incident Identifier

    This data standard specifies the standard format and rules for a number or code that uniquely identifies an incident for a particular local fire management organization within a particular calendar year.

    See: NWCG Data Standard