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Glossary of Terms

A - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - P - Q - R - S - T - U - W


  • Effective Date

    The date the action or information entered becomes active. Effective dates in IQCS allows managers to create and build a historical qualification record for a responder without overwriting or eliminating data.

  • Effective Sequence

    Only used when more than one action is taken on an Effective Date row during the same day. This tells the system when there are multiple effective dates that are the same which one is the most current.

  • Equivalency

    An equivalent course is determined by agency identified “evaluators” (at the national/state level) to be equal to a NWCG approved course. Awarding course equivalency is an agency specific responsibility. Only agencies have the authority to certify their employees meet NWCG training requirements when alternative course offerings are used. Individual agencies will set guidelines for equivalency determination and may grant credit for courses they deem equivalent. For IQCS, there is an Equivalency Table to reflect approved equivalencies and reduce the need for course competencies to be manually added to the responder record.

  • Employment Category

    The type of employment appointment or agreement under which a person is hired.

    See: NWCG Data Standard

  • Event Kind & Category

    This data standard specifies general, high-level codes and descriptions to be used in categorizing the types of incidents and planned events to which the interagency wildland fire community responds.

    See: NWCG Data Standard

  • External Training

    List of manually entered training that is not referenced in the IQCS system against a responder’s qualifications or identified on the course table.