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Importing an IQS File Into IQCS

Data from personnel who have been tracked by a State's Incident Qualification System (IQS) can be imported directly into the IQCS application. In order to import the responders IQS record into IQCS, the account manager must request and be provided the encrypted XML IQS transfer file from the respective IQS state manager. IQS State Managers can found at the IQS website in the Contact Information menu. 

The correct file will be auto named from when the responder is transferred out of IQS and must look like IQSwebTransfer_01_16_2016_14-24-46.xml with the only difference being the date and time (the numbers). Newer versions of IQS produce a compressed (zipped) file that contains both the XML document and any attachments that have been saved to the record. If you receive (via email, thumb drive, etc.) a compressed file from an IQS manager, the XML document must be extracted before importing into IQCS. The XML document is what you will import.

The process of loading an IQS file in to the IQCS application is in three sections:

  1. Upload the XML file

  2. Import data to an existing or new responder record

  3. Remove data that was not imported

Once the XML file has been successfully uploaded to the application and to the data staged to tables, the account manager can then select which data records to bring into IQCS. If the IQS responder does not come with an IQCS EmplID, any responders with possible matches will be displayed. You can choose to merge newly imported data with an existing IQCS record or create a new responder record.

For detailed information refer to the User Guide Module 3: Responder Administration


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