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Agency Organizations

The agencies in the IQCS are built with their own specific and unique organizational structures. These structures are used to organize their responders and provide (allow and restrict) security for user access to responder records. Changes to an agency organization must be approved by the identified agency lead. Agency organizational change (new or modifications) requests submitted to IQCS (staff or help desk) not from an agency lead will not be processed. 

Select an agency to review their identified organizational structure.

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Organizations

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Organizations

Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) Organizations

Department of Energy (DOE) Organizations

DOI Office of Emergency Management Organizations

Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) Organizations

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Organizations

National Park Service (NPS) Organizations

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Organizations

US Air Force (USAF) Organizations

US Army (USA) Organizations

US Forest Service (USFS) Organizations


Agency Organizations: Add or Modify

IQCS agency organization requests (new and/or modification) can be requested by following the below process. To review current agency organizations, select on an agency listed above.

  1. Requester completes the Requester Information and Organization Add/Modification Request section of the Request for Organization Add or Modification form. Then submit to your IQCS agency representative,
  2. The IQCS agency representative will evaluate and ensure completeness. If approved, they will complete their section and forward the form to the IQCS agency lead,  
  3. The IQCS agency lead will evaluate, ensure completeness and adherence for their agency organizational structure and IQCS data standards. If approved, they complete their section and forward the form to the IQCS Application Steward for implementation and security modifications. 

Do not submit the request directly to IQCS staff and/or help desk as it must be authorized by the IQCS agency lead. Any request not submitted by an IQCS agency lead will not be processed.

NWCG Unit Identifiers

NWCG Unit IDs are used to identify the organizational units within the federal and state government that are involved in wildland fire management. These codes are managed by the NWCG Unit Identifiers Board (UIB) chartered under the NWCG Data Management Committee.

Unit identifiers are directly tied to one or more agency organizations and are used in the data exchange with IRWIN and connected systems. The NWCG Unit ID data in IQCS reflects the NWCG Unit ID system of record (SOR), . A Unit ID record must exist at the SOR in order to be entered to the IQCS control table. 

Agency Organization-NWCG Unit ID

The agency Organization-Unit ID relationship table connects specific agency organization(s) and NWCG Unit ID(s) per the approval of the IQCS agency lead. This relationship results in only the identified NWCG Unit ID(s) being available for a specific agency organization on a responder's Job Data page.