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Module 8: Control Tables

  • Control tables are the foundation for implementing agency standards in the IQCS. Control tables serve numerous functions in the system. Control tables are used for the following:

    • Provide a place to establish and maintain all the business core data (positions, position criteria, course information, organization information, etc.) in the application.
    • Control tables eliminate redundant data entry by providing default values.
    • Contribute to data integrity within the application by providing uniformity and consistency of data entry.

    Once they are established, control tables serve to store and maintain data at the record level.

  • The Business Unit (or Agency) defines the agencies that are utilizing the IQCS application for their responder incident qualification management. Addition of an agency must be approved by the IQCSCMB, and in some situations the NWCG parent organization, prior to activation in the application. It is this record that is the foundation for all things associated to the agency (departments, organizational structure, organization-unit id relationship, business mapping, standards, responder qualification processing, etc.).  

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > Control Tables >  Foundation Tables >  Organization > Business Unit.
    2. Enter search parameters. 
    3. Select the Search button. 

    If changes to a relationship are needed, contact the IQCS agency lead of the agency organization. 

  • The agency Department (known as Organization) table is used to reflect the individual agency organizations that exists. This individual units are then used to create an agency organizational structure. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Navigate to Main Menu > Control Tables >  Foundation Tables >  Organization > Departments.
    2. Enter an agency SetID
    3. Select the Search button.
      • If there are greater then 300 organizations for the identified agency, only the first 300 will be returned. Narrow search parameters as needed. 
  • The agencies in the IQCS are built with their own specific and unique organizational structures. These structures are used to organize responders, provide security, and enforce standards.

    Organization trees start with an Agency ID (aka as a SetID: BLM00, FS000, or DOI00) to reflect the agency. Each agency organizational used the individual organizations to build an established hierarchy which reflect regions or states depending on the agency. All changes to the organizational structure must be reviewed and approved by the IQCS agency lead prior to ensure it meets the business need and standards. 

    A responder can only be assigned one organization code. If a responder is added to an organization that is not in the agencies organizational structure, it will not be viewable to users. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > Tree Manager > Tree Viewer.
    2. Select the Search button to display all trees in the application.
    3. Select the Tree Name for the correct Set ID to view the agency tree.
    4. Expand sections as needed to view organization structure.
  • NWCG Unit IDs are used to identify the organizational units within the federal and state government that are involved in wildland fire management. These codes are managed by the NWCG Unit Identifiers Board (UIB) chartered under the NWCG Data Management Committee.

    Unit identifiers are directly tied to one or more organizational codes and are used in the exchange of data with IRWIN and connected systems.

    Per business direction, the data in this table is to reflect the NWCG Unit ID system of record (SOR), . A record must exist at the SOR in order to be entered to the IQCS control table. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Control Tables > Foundation Tables > Organization > Unit Identifiers.
    2. Search for or enter a Unit ID.
    3. View selected Unit ID.
  • The agency Organization-Unit ID relationship table connects specific Unit IDs to an agency organization per agency lead direction and approval. This relationship results in only the identified Unit ID(s) being available for a specific agency organization on a responder's Job Data page. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access.


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > IQCS Setup TablesOrg ID-Unit ID.
    2. Select the Advance Search to make available both searchable fields. 
    3. Enter an agency Set ID and/or an agency Organization Code.
      • The lookup icon to the right allows to search within the available data to find a value.  
    4. Select the Search button. 
    5. The page will display the Unit ID(s) that have been approved to be associated to the agency and agency organization. The Unit ID(s) listed will be the only values available at a responder's Job Data page if the agency and agency organization are entered for the record.  

    If changes to a relationship are needed, contact the IQCS agency lead of the agency organization. 


  • The Setid Process Mapping table is utilized by the application to apply the agency standard hierarchy as defined by the IQCS agency lead.

    If a standard exists for a position in the NWCG PMS 310-1 and an agency-specific standard the application will enforce the standard as defined by this table. In some cases, the agencies have not approved overidding a standard enforcement. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > Control Tables >  Foundation Tables >  Organization > Setid Processing Map.
    2. Enter search parameters. if no search parameters are entered then all agencies will be returned upon search.  
    3. Select the Search button. 

    If changes to a relationship are needed, contact the IQCS agency lead


  • The Security control table shows who has access to an agency organization and the roles assigned to the user. Search criteria can be for an agency organization (return multiple users that have access) or a specific user (returning the agency organizations they have access too). In both cases, the user roles will also be displayed. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Control Tables > Security Department Security > Org Code Access List.
    2. Enter search criteria: SET ID and Organization    or    User ID
    3. Select Get Data.
    4. Review the results.

    Note: When searching on Org Code, the results only display the selected org code. The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access.

  • The Responder Position Code Table holds NWCG and agency-specific positions. The criteria applied to each position, such as currency, Position Task Books (PTB), functional area, position category and other positions that will maintain currency are defined in this table. ALL of this information must reflect the NWCG or agency-specific standard. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access.


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Control Tables > Foundation Tables Job Attributes > Responder Position Code Table.
    2. Search and select a position.
    3. Users will be able to view the following important pieces of information:
      • Set ID [standard]. The Set ID, also known as agency, the position is setup under.
      • Position Code. The code [mnemonic] as approved by the NWCG PNB.
      • Effective Date. The date a change took effect.
      • Status. Defines whether the position in the identified Set ID is active or inactive.
      • Job [Position] Title. The title of the position as approved by the NWCG PNB. • Functional Area. The functional area of the position as defined by agency policy.
      • [position code] Maintains Currency for These Positions. Positions listed in this box will maintain experience currency for this position as defined by agency policy.
      • Functional Area. Reflects the identified functional area as identified in the standard. 
      • Position Category. Reflects the identified functional area as identified in the standard. 
      • Currency Length (Frequency and Currency Length). The maximum time allowed for maintaining currency as defined by the standard.
      • These Positions Maintain Currency for XXXX. Other position(s) identified in the standard (from the same named section) that will maintain the currency for the position. 
      • Code Task Book Tab. Indicates if there is a PTB for this position and the allowable time period to complete as defined by agency policy.
        • Task Book Frequency and Period. The maximum time allowed for a PTB being active per the standard. 
        • Task Book Indicator. A flag to indicate that a PTB is identified as a requirement for the qualification standard. This will trigger the application to display the PTB in the lookup at a responder's PTB page. 
        • Task Book Competencies. Indicates the competencies that will be updated/awarded to a responder Competencies record at time of PTB certification.
  • The Setup Role Competencies Table is where the IQCS brings all the requirements identified in various business policies together to build responder positions. A role competency can be best described as a compilation of position requirements. Each requirement is expressed, in the IQCS, as a competency required for a position.

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access.


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Control Tables > Setup Roles > Setup Roles Competencies.
    2. Search for and select the role or position to view.
    3. Once you have selected your desired role or position, you will see a screen that displays the following information:
      • Effective Date. The date the identified requirements became effective defined by agency policy.
      • Assigned Competencies. Identifies the position qualification requirements defined by agency policy.
      • Proficiency. Identifies the proficiency level required for qualification.
      • Required for Trainee Status. Identifies the requirements for a responder to be identified as a trainee status if he or she has an active PTB defined by agency policy.
      • No Override. If checked the competency for the position cannot be overridden using administrative action defined by agency policy.
      • Apply Retro. When a new business requirement is added to the IQCS, agencies may choose to apply the change retroactively to all responders who have gained the qualification in the past. 
      • Status as of Effective Date. Identifies the status of the requirement defined by agency policy.
      • Task Book Prereqs tab. Identifies the prerequisite requirements to issue a PTB to a responder defined by agency policy
  • The Competency Table is a key defining table in the application to reflect and enforce standard requirements as well as attainments of responders.  Each position, position task book, licenses and certificates, training has a competency code assigned to it. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access.


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Control Tables > Common Definitions > Competencies > Competency Definitions.
    2. Search for or enter the position competency you want to view.
    3. The screen will identify the competency code, the description/title, rating model, competency category, description, competency type(s), and the Set ID(s) that can utilize (see) the competency per agency policy.


    Complex competencies represent instances where prerequisite experience and/or training is defined by more than one way to meet the requirement. Anytime there is an “or” statement on the qualification sheet in the prerequisite experience for a position, a complex prerequisite is built.

    When a responder meets one of these different options, he or she is awarded a special complex competency code to indicate that they have met the prerequisite experience to be considered for the next higher position at a Trainee status.

    All complex competency codes end with the suffix CPX (positions) or TPX (training). For example, the ATGS complex competency code is ATGSCPX. This does not mean responders with this code on their competencies page are qualified ATGSs; it indicates the responder meets the prerequisite experience should he or she decide to work toward becoming an ATGS in the future.

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access.


    To view Complex Competencies, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Control Tables > Common Definitions > Competencies > Competency Definitions.
    2. Search for a competency that contains (change ‘begins with’ to contains) CPX or TPX. To limit the search, you can also select Prerequisite from the Competency Category dropdown.
    3. Once on the competency page, select the Complex Competency tab.
    4. Click the View All link in the blue Complex Groups bar to see the groups defined for the Set ID(s).
    5. The groups shown represent the possible combinations of position prerequisites defined by agency standard.
  • The Equivalency Table is used by the IQCS to determine equivalencies and reduce the need for course competencies to be manually added to the responder record.

    Consider that Course A is a training requirement for position X. In the Field Managers Course Guide, Course B has been identified as a course equivalency to Course A. With the implementation of the Equivalency Table, Course A is a valid replacement for the training requirement for position X and eliminates the need to manually award a competency for Course A to meet the requirement for position X.

    The responder's record will always indicate the course that was actually completed. You can use the lookup table to search for courses and determine their equivalencies.


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Control Tables > Common Definitions > Competencies > Comp/Course Equivalency View.
    2. Search for or enter the competency and/or course code.
    3. If an equivalency has been created, the table will be displayed.

    You can use the key below to help decipher the information in the table.

    • Competency and/or Course Code (header): the code that was searched and selected.
    • Data Type (header): C = Competency, T = Training.
    • Comp or Course: the code that was searched and selected.
    • Equivalent: the competency(ies) or course(s) that has been established as equivalent.
  • The Course Table holds the NWCG and All-Hazard training course list. Criteria applied to each course, such as curriculum, required instructor competencies, prerequisites and competencies, equipment, catalog information, and additional details, are defined in this table.

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access.

    The NWCG Standards for Course Delivery, PMS 901-1, is the system of record for the NWCG listing in the Course Table. The IQCS receives guidance from the NWCG Incident and Position Standards Committee (IPSC), the IQCS Change Management Board (CMB) and IQCS Agency Leads regarding requests to add, change or remove courses.

    Information on the Course Table is brought forward to the Course Session.


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Training Administration > Course Details > Courses.
    2. Select Search to see a list of the courses or enter the course code in the Course Code field.
    3. Select the Course Code link for the desired course.
    4. The Course page will display.


    Course are added per addition to source standards (example: NWCG Training Catalog), IQCS agency lead approval or IQCSCMB approval.  

    The best place to start with requesting a course be added for incident qualification management is with your IQCS agency lead. They will be able to answer any questions, determine level of utilization (NWCG versus national versus agency-specific), the qualification for the requirement, and decide to support or not. 

    For a non-NWCG course to be added, the request to add needs to go through an agency-specific approval process or the IQCS Change Management Board (IQCSCMB) approval process. The agency lead (for single agency use) or IQCSCMB agency leads (for multi-agency use) will review the request and make a decision. If approved, they will direct IQCS staff to set up the course in the control table and add it as a qualification requirement for the identified position qualification(s). 

    Because there is information needed about a course to populate the course control table fields in the application, you will need to complete a course request form. Your agency leads will be able to provide that form to you. 

    If the course is to remain agency-specific (example: BIA, BLM, USFS, etc.) only then the IQCS agency lead will assign the next course code from their agency-specific course number block (example: BI200, BL300, FS500, etc.). For a national multi-agency course, the IQCSCMB chair will assign the next available course number from their N9000 block.  

  • To select the correct instructor while setting up a course session, the instructor will have to be present on the Instructor Table. Entering instructors in the Instructor Table and then identifying them at the session allows users to:

    • Manage information about internal and external instructors.
    • Track instructor history.
    • Find instructors for specific courses.
    • Track instructor costs and areas of expertise.
    • Compare instructor requirements for a course against an instructor’s competency profile.


    Entering your instructors in the instructor table and then identifying them at the session allows users to:

    • Enter information about internal and external instructors.
    • Track instructor history.
    • Find instructors for specific courses.
    • Track instructor costs and areas of expertise.
    • Compare instructor requirements for a course against an instructor’s competency profile.


    To add a responder to the instructor table and identify the courses eligible to instruct, follow the process below.

    1. Navigate to Training Administration > Training Details > Instructors.
    2. Select the Add a New Value tab.
    3. Search and select responder.
    4. Select Add.
    5. The Internal/External field will auto-fill with “Internal.” This means the individual is an employee internal to the IQCS system.
    6. The Vendor ID, School Code, and School Name fields are grayed out. These fields will only be accessed when the instructor is a non-employee (external) that can be associated with school or vendor.
    7. Use the Per Unit Cost field when an external instructor charges for instruction. This cost will be added to the course costs.
    8. Fill out the Area of Expertise field.
    9. Enter autobiographical information in the free-form Description box.
    10. Select the Contact Information link. Phone and e-mail information will appear if the instructor’s account manager has entered it.
    11. Select the Qualification tab.
    12. Enter the Course Code and hit the Tab key. The Competencies Match Analysis box will appear if all competencies have been met. You may add an instructor to the instructor table without matching the competencies.
    13. Select the Instructor Level from the dropdown menu and select the appropriate level.
    14. Note: For definition of Unit, Level and Coach Instructors, refer IQCS Glossary. Coach is listed as Trainer/Coach per NWCG definition.
    15. Select the Save button.


    The IQCS will track course sessions taught by an instructor in the instructor’s individual record.

    • Course Instructor History. View the instructors that have taught a specific course.
    • Instructor History. View all the course sessions an instructor has taught and details concerning those course sessions.


    Use the steps below to view the course instructor history. This view allows you access to all instructors who have taught a specific course.

    1. Navigate to Training Administration > Training Details > Course Instructor History.
    2. Enter or select the course code/title.
    3. On the Course Information tab, you will view the summary of the instructor(s), which includes: EmplID, Name, Agency, Organization ID, State, Instruction Level, Vendor Name, and session/course start date.
    4. On the Session Information tab, you can view the specifics of the different course sessions: Session Start Date, Course Session Number, Training Facility, and Course Coordinator.


    Any course taught by an instructor identified on the Course Session Location, Instructor page will be added automatically to this Instructor History page when that session is marked as “Completed” and saved.


    To add previously taught courses to an instructor's training history, follow the process below.

    1. Navigate to Training Administration > Training Details > Instructor History.
    2. Search and select responder (instructor).
    3. Select the + button to add a new record. A new row appears that includes blank fields.
    4. Enter the course code (without hyphens) in the Course Nbr field. The system will put the course title in the Description field and close the Course Nbr field to editing.
    5. Select the Instructor Level from the dropdown list.
    6. Select the default Times Taught of “1”.
    7. Enter the Session Start Date in the next field.
    8. Select the Session Detail tab. Or select the Expand button to expand the two visible tabs into one single row.
    9. Enter the rest of the relevant information. (Session # may not be applicable since the session may not have been administered through the IQCS). Do not use a session number unless the instructor actually taught that specific session.
    10. Once you have all the data entered correctly, select the Save button.
    11. Instructor history will appear on the responder master record.

    Once you enter field information and advance to the next field, you can no longer edit the previous field. If you made a mistake in a field and it is no longer editable, delete the row by selecting the minus button on the far right of the row and begin again.

  • There are over 300 facilities in the Facility Table. Do a search before adding a new one to ensure you are not duplicating any data (narrow the search by selecting the state). Also, since there are so many facilities, it is recommended you keep track of the facility codes you create.


    To add or edit training facility information at the Facilities Table, follow the process below.

    1. Navigate to Training Administration > Training Details > Training Facilities.
    2. Select the Add a New Value tab.
    3. Enter up to six characters to designate your training facility. This will become the Facility Code you use for searches. It is recommended that you follow the naming conventions of the facilities that are entered into the IQCS. Examples of facility codes include “GBTR” for Great Basin Training Center or “NDSU” for North Dakota State University.
    4. Select the ADD button.
    5. Select the business unit.
    6. Facility Name: Enter the facility name in the Description field
    7. Short Description: Enter a short name of no more than 10 characters.
    8. Location Code - Enter location code to populate address.      OR
    9. Edit Address: If Location Code is not used, select the link and enter the address of the training facility Mail Drop ID-Enter Mail Drop if used.
    10. Select the OK button.
    11. Contacts and Equipment tab: Enter the name of the contact person for that facility.
    12. Vendor ID: If a vendor operates the facility, enter the (the vendor will have to appear on the Vendor Table before entering it here).
    13. Phone Type: From the dropdown menu enter the phone number for the contact at that facility. You may add additional phone numbers by clicking on the + button.
    14. Equipment/Materials Available - Enter the equipment and materials available in each room.
    15. Select the Training Rooms tab
    16. Enter the following optional information: Room code, room name, building number, floor number, costs.
    17. Maximum Number of Students: Enter the maximum number of students for the room.
    18. Room Active: The checkbox is automatically checked. In order to select this room at the course session screen, this box must be checked.
    19. Select the plus (+) button to add a row in the Training Rooms box to add more rooms.
    20. Fixed Equipment/Materials: Under this section, look up and select the Equipment Code to list equipment available in that room. Enter additional equipment by selecting the plus (+) button.
    21. Select the Directions tab: Enter directions to find the training facility in the free-form field.
    22. Select the Save button.

    The equipment/materials codes are in the Equipment Table. The information entered thus far includes course materials that are available through the Great Basin Cache and the Publications Management system. If you charge for the use of materials, you may enter this information. You can track the actual costs of training using the Training Administration capabilities in the IQCS. This information could also be useful if a vendor operates the facility and you want a list of the available training assets.

  • You may contract/rent facilities from known sources or vendors on a regular basis to conduct training course sessions. You can enter information about these vendors into the Vendor Table. You can associate external instructors with these vendors.


    To add or edit vendor information, follow the process below.

    1. Navigate to Training Administration > Training Details > Vendors.
    2. Search for a vendor or Select the Add a New Value tab.
    3. Vendor ID: Enter an ID of six characters or fewer.
    4. Select the Add button. 
    5. Vendor Description: Enter a description of up to 30 characters.
    6. Short Description: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters.
    7. Vendor Type: Select a type from the drop down list.
    8. Accounts Payable Vendor ID: Enter an ID for accounts payable.
    9. Select the Address tab.
    10. Per Unit Cost: Enter the unit cost and select the Cost Unit.
    11. Edit Address: Select the edit address link and enter the address of the vendor.
    12. Select the OK button.
    13. Enter comments about the vendor (optional).
    14. Select the Save button.

    To view the Vendor Contacts

    1. Navigate to Training Administration > Training Details > Vendor Contacts.
    2. Search for a vendor ID
    3. Accept the Contact # sequentially (1, 2, 3, etc.).
    4. Enter the name of the contact, title, and contact type.
    5. Phone Type: Select the type from the dropdown menu and enter the phone number.
    6. Select the Save button.

    Remember, any information you add or edit for a vendor changes the data in the system for everyone. Use good judgment when adding/editing vendor information.

  • The jetport control table data is used for the Jetport field lookup on the responder's Job Data page. 

    Per business direction the data is to reflect the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) open data for Airports ( Currently the IQCS list is maintained manually and only updated when notified that the IQCS control table does not reflect the FAA Airport list. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access.


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > IQCS Setup TablesJet Port Definitions.
    2. Select the Advance Search to make available both searchable fields. 
    3. Enter search parameters. 
    4. Select the Search button. 

    If changes to a relationship are needed, contact the IQCS agency lead of the agency organization. 


  • With in the IQCS Translate table there are multiple NWCG and agency-specific data standards that are used through out the application. There are many data standard values included in a single table and unfortunately the table is very difficult to search within. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleToolsUtilities > Administration > Maintain Translate Values.
    2. Select the Advance Search to make available the search field parameters. To view the following standard values, enter the Field Name provided. 
  • The Competency Type table is used to group the multiple competency types into categories to reflect a NWCG standard or the IQCSCMB.  This control table is used on the Competency control table.

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > Control Tables > Common Definitions > Competencies > Competency Types
    2. Select the Search button to view all values. 
  • The Competency Rating model is used to reflect the proficiency values for specific competency types. For example, the Physical Fitness Level rating model has the four (4) NWCG values that are used to reflect a position standard and also on responder records to record the attainment level for a responder's Work Capacity Test. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > Control Tables > Common Definitions > Competencies > Rating Model
    2. Select the Search button to view all values. 


  • The Licenses and Certifications table reflect the IQCSCMB approved values to be recorded a responder Licenses and Certificate page. Values are only added with business lead (IQCSCMB) approval. All values must be expiring. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > Control Tables > Common Definitions > Accomplishments > Licenses and Certifications
    2. Select the Search button to view all values. 
  • The values used on the Course page for the Course Management field lookup are from the School control table. Values entered here are business lead (IQCSCMB) approved and are to reflect the source and overall manager of the course. 

    The permission access for this IQCS control table is set to a view-only access and may not be available to all roles. 


    To view the table, follow the steps below.

    1. Navigate to Main Menu > Control Tables > Common Definitions > School Information > Schools
    2. Select the Search button to view all values. 
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