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PLANNED OUTAGE NOTIFICATION - Friday, November 8th, 2024

Please be aware: A circuit/bandwidth upgrade for NIFCENET has been scheduled for Friday November 8 @ 7:00 p.m. (MT). This will cause an outage for all BLM Fire Applications hosted on NIFCENET for UP TO 2 (two) hours in duration (9:00 p.m. MST end time.)

The fire applications that will be temporarily offline include:
1.    NAMS
2.    UnitID
3.    Weather (WXx)
4.    FireCode
5. (JFSP)
6.    FEOS
7.    IQCS
8.    SafeNet
Please contact the BLM NIFC Help Desk if you have any questions or concerns, x5734 or