This module will cover managing the responder administrative data within the Incident Qualifications and Certification System (IQCS). This includes how to search for an existing responder record (active and inactive), how responders are added to the application, updating responder administrative data and transferring a responder record to another agency, agency organization or to inactive.
A responder's administrative record is the foundation of their incident qualification record in the application. The data recorded in the Job Data and the Update Personal Information pages drives user security access, competency and qualification utilization, qualification requirement enforcement (agency standards hierarchy) and IRWIN integration.
Not only is data from a responder's administrative section used through out the IQCS application but it is also shared to the greater incident response community via the IRWIN data exchange. Because of both of these cases, it is important that responder administration it accurate and up to date.
Information on the IRWIN integration can be found in the new Module 9: IRWIN Integration.
IQCS users are not allowed to enter, edit or remove their own data on any pages, with the exception of experience records, in the IQCS application.
If a user needs to determine if a responder record already exists in the IQCS application and if that record is being managed by an agency, it is best to start with a search at the Search for Responder page.
User security (assess to only approved organizations) limits the responder records that a user can view within the application for record management. However, any standard user can search for ANY responder in the application and see basic information associated with the record.
The vast majority of the IQCS responder records exist in an archived or inactive status. Those records can be found via the search and activated to an agency as need for incident qualification management. Once found via the search, there will be a button that will transfer the user to the responder Job Data page to add a new row and update the data.
For records that are being actively managed by an agency, that are outside a user security access, the search will return basic information needed to determine who is managing that record.
To search for a responder within the IQCS, follow the steps listed below.
- Navigate to the Main Menu > Responder Administration > Search for Responder.
- Search for your responder using either the Employee ID (EmplID), First Name, Last Name, or Name (multiple criteria) fields.
- NOTE: The Search Results box will only display 300 results. If you receive too many results and cannot find your responder, try to refine your search by using more specific criteria such as EmplID.
- Select your desired responder from the Search Results box.
If a responder record does not all ready exist in the IQCS application, then there are three (3) options to add depending on the business need and the source of the record.
- Add Responder: Creates new responder record for qualification management.
- Import IQS xml file: Creates a new, or merges with an existing, responder record for qualification management.
- Add Non-Employee: Creates new non-employee record for course session roster management.
To add a new responder, follow the process below working through all tabs.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Add Responder
- The first tab that will open will be the Name History tab.
- Effective Date. Confirm that the Effective Date is correct.
- Person Name. Enter the responder’s properly formatted legal name in the appropriate fields.
- Do not use periods, tilde (~) or commas.
- Hyphens or apostrophes can be used, except as the first and last characters.
- Middle name is required. If there is no middle name, select No from the drop-down menu.
- Name Lookup. The application will perform a query determine if any records in the application match the name of the responder you just entered.
- If possible matches exist, a list of will be returned.
- Selecting the EmplID hyperlink will open an information page for that responder. If the responder is not being managed by an agency then two quick link buttons will appear.
- Please take the time to verify the responder record you are entering does not already exist.
- If the responder record does not exist, select the Return button to continue.
- The IQCS will not allow the creation of an exact match. Exact match is a match on name, dispatch, org code, unit id, and birth month/day.
- If there are no possible matches, the system will notify you of no similar records and you can select the OK button to continue.
- If possible matches exist, a list of will be returned.
- Select the Contact Information tab.
- Address Type. Select the Address Type of either BUSN (business) or Other to indicate type of address entered.
- Effective Date. Confirm that the Effective Date is correct.
- Status. Accept the default of Active.
- Address. Select the Edit Address button.
- Phone Type. Select the Phone Type of Business, Business Secondary and/or Other.
- Only the type Business will be displayed on reports for phone, email, and address.
- Email Type. Select the Email Type of Business or Other.
- Only the type Business will be displayed on reports for phone, email, and address.
- Select Birth Month/Day tab.
- Enter the Birth Month and Day. Required.
- Select Work Location tab.
- Effective Date. Confirm that the date is correct.
- Setid (Agency). Enter or look up the Setid for the hiring agency.
- Agency Organization. Enter or look up the Organization Code.
- Org Entry Date. Accept the default for Org Entry Date (this is optional) or change as needed.
- Unit ID. Enter or select the correct Unit ID. Required.
- The look up will only return Unit ID(s) associated with the agency organizational that was entered.
- Training Officer and Alt (Alternate) Training Officer. Look up and select a Training Officer.
- A training officer or alternate is required to nominate a responder record for the nomination workflow process. Only those identified in these fields will be able to submit a nomination.
- Admin Location
- Setid. Accept NWCG0.
- Location. Admin Location should auto populate based on the Org Code. Enter or look up a different Location.
- Duty Station
- Setid. Accept NWCG0.
- Location. Duty Location should auto populate based on the Org Code. Enter or look up a different Enter or look up a different Location.
- Dispatch Unit ID. Enter or look up the Dispatch Unit ID.
- Jetport. Enter or look up the Jetport.
- Select Job Information tab.
- Empl Kind (Employment Category). Select the Empl Kind from the dropdown menu.
- Full/Part. Identify whether the employee is Full Time or Part Time.
- USFS EmpowHR ID. For USFS responders, enter the EmpowHR ID.
- DOI ECI. For DOI responders only, enter the DOI Employee Common Identifier (ECI) number. Not a required field. Can not be a duplicate to another DOI ECI number in the application. If you (user), or the responder, is unsure where for find the responder's DOI ECI then please reach out to your IQCS agency lead for directions. Field is available if the following criteria is met:
- Responder's record identified as being a DOI agency (BIA, BLM, BOR, DOI, FWS, NPS) and
- Responder's employment category (Empl Kind) is identified as career, career-seasonal or temporary.
- Select the Save button. Upon Save the following will occur:
- A new Empl ID will be automatically assigned to the responder.
- If all required information for IRWIN has been entered, the responder will receive an IRWIN ID and have one of three IRWIN Status.
- If you have left off IRWIN required data, you will receive a one-time message letting you know that your responder will not be available to the ordering system. Review the IRWIN section for further details. NOTE: Integration of a record is not required for it to be active in IQCS.
- IRWIN status will be indicated.
If a responder record does not all ready exist in the IQCS application, then there are three (3) options to add depending on the business need and the source of the record. This section will cover the process for importing an IQS record to create a new, or merge with an existing, responder record.
- Add Responder: Creates new responder record for qualification management.
- Import IQS xml file: Creates a new, or merges with an existing, responder record for qualification management.
- Add Non-Employee: Creates new non-employee record for course session roster management.
Data from personnel who are tracked by a state's Incident Qualification System (IQS) can be imported directly into the IQCS application. To import the responders IQS record into the IQCS, the account manager must request and be provided the encrypted XML IQS transfer file from the respective IQS state manager. IQS state managers can be found at the IQS website http://www.vdatasys.com.
The file will be auto named from when the responder is transferred out of IQS and must look like IQSwebTransfer_01_16_2016_14-24-46.xml with the only difference being the date and time (the numbers). Newer versions of IQS produce a compressed (zipped) file that contains both the XML document and any attachments that have been saved to the record. If you receive a compressed file from an IQS manager, the XML document must be extracted before importing into the IQCS. The XML document is what you will import.
The process of loading an IQS file in to the IQCS application is in three sections:
- Upload the XML file.
- Import data to an existing or new responder record.
- Remove data that was not imported.
Once the XML file has been successfully uploaded to the application and the data staged to tables, the account manager can then select which data records to bring into the IQCS. If the IQS responder does not come with an IQCS EmplID, any responders with possible matches will be displayed. You can choose to merge newly imported data with an existing IQCS record or create a new responder record. The uploaded file will be staged for 30 days before being removed.
To import an IQS record, follow the process below.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > IQI Import/Export > IQI File Import and Review.
- Select the Add a New Value tab to initiate a new file upload.
- Select the Add button.
- On the IQI Import tab, select the Get File button.
- Find and select the XML document for import. Must be an XML document, no other file type (zip, pdf, jpeg, etc.) will load.
- If the file is in compressed (zipped) format, the XML document must be extracted for upload.
- Once you have selected the XML document, the file name will appear in the File Attachment window.
- Select the Upload button.
- The document will be displayed under the File Name header.
- Select the Import button to bring the data into the IQCS staging tables.
- Under the Import/Export Status header, Data Successfully Imported should be displayed.
- Upon completion of above steps, select the Update/Display button to return to the Search page.
- Select the Search button to show the entire list of staged responders.
- Select the responder you want to review and save to the IQCS.
- The imported responder data is displayed.
- Possible Match or Create New Record
- Possible Match. If there are responders in the IQCS that have a similar name, they will be listed in the grid labeled Possible Matches. If one of the possible matches is the same responder, select the check box next to that responder to import data to that responder’s record.
- Create New Record. To create a new responder record, do not select any possible match records. You can enter a Set ID and Org Code for the new record to have the responder record placed directly into the organization. However, if you do not identify a Set ID and Org Code for the new record, the responder record will be placed into INAC and can be transferred into a valid Org Code later.
- Awarding (Certifying) Official. It is required to identify an Awarding (Certifying) Official.
- Selecting (Importing) Data. Review the responder data in the Fitness, Qualifications, Position Task Books and Experience sections. Use the check boxes (select all or individual) to select which will be saved in the IQCS.
- Select the Fitness entry, even if there only value is ‘N’.
- If the import file has a large number of rows you may receive timeout error, try checking a section at a time. If the section is large, import 3-5 rows at a time.
- Highly recommended to start at the top and work within a section. Select and commit a few rows of data before moving on to a next section.
- Apply Selections to IQCS. Select the Apply Selections to IQCS button at either the top or bottom of the screen to apply the selected records.
- An import status for each record will be displayed.
- Highly recommended to start at the top and work within a section. Select and commit a few rows of data before moving on to a next section.
- If you get kicked out of the application, IQCS is still processing your selections. Return to the import file and review.
- Remove Remaining Data. Any data that did not import, either by choice or data that could not be imported, can be removed so that the record no longer exists in the staging table by select the Remove Remaining Data button.
- Select the Return to Search button.
If a responder record does not all ready exist in the IQCS application, then there are three (3) options to add depending on the business need and the source of the record. This section will cover the process for creating a non-employee record for user ONLY in session roster management.
- Add Responder: Creates new responder record for qualification management.
- Import IQS xml file: Creates a new, or merges with an existing, responder record for qualification management.
- Add Non-Employee: Creates new non-employee record for course session roster management.
This function is to add non-employees to enable student rostering during training. Non-employee records are not IQCS responders and not managed for incident qualification certification by an agency of the application. To add a new record for a non-employee, follow the process below.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Add Non-Employee.
- The first tab that will open will be the Name History tab.
- Effective Date. Confirm that the Effective Date is correct.
- Person Name. Enter the responder’s properly formatted legal name in the appropriate fields.
- Name Lookup. The application will perform a query determine if any records in the application match the name of the responder you just entered.
- Select the Contact Information tab.
- Address Type. Select the Address Type of either BUSN (business) or Other to indicate type of address entered.
- Effective Date. Confirm that the Effective Date is correct.
- Status. Accept the default of Active.
- Address. Select the Edit Address button to enter the responder’s mailing address. Select the OK button to return to the Address History page.
- Phone Type. Select the Phone Type of Business, Business Secondary and/or Other. Only the type Business will be displayed on reports for phone, email, and address.
- Email Type. Select the Email Type of Business or Other. Only the type Business will be displayed on reports for phone, email, and address.
- Select Non-EE tab.
- Confirm that the Effective Date is correct.
- Organization. Enter or look up the organization according to the state/local organization represented.
- Unit ID. The Unit ID field is optional for non-employees.
- Training Officer. Leave blank for a non-employee.
- Admin Location
- Setid. Accept NWCG0.
- Location. Admin Location should auto populate based on the Org Code. Enter or look up a different Location.
- Select the Save button.
In order to keep a single incident qualification record for a individual responder as they move agencies or leave the workforce, it is important to transfer then record appropriately.
When a responder is transferred from one agency, agency organization or leaving the workforce a transfer of the record occurs at the Job Data page by adding a new row and then changing the Agency, Organization and Unit ID fields. Although it is not necessary to set a record to inactive when the record will be moving agencies in IQCS, we do recommend it.
When transferring a record, it is important to keep the following in mind.
- A record transfer will always remove the certifying official per business direction.
- If a responder is leaving the workforce, transfer the record in inactive. If things change, then the record can be reactivated to an agency for incident qualification management.
- If a responder is no longer pursuing or has certifiable incident qualifications, transfer the record to inactive. If things change, then the record can be reactivated to an agency for incident qualification management.
- Do not transfer a responder record to the State agency in IQCS but instead transfer to inactive.
- When a record is transferred from an agency organization to inactive:
- Removes the record from your management organization but you still have access to all inactive and archived records.
- If it was integrated to IRWIN, it sets the record and any integrated qualifications as inactive. Connected systems are updated on this change. Better data for the community.
- It makes the record available for another account manager.
- When a record is transferring from inactive to an agency organization will:
- Security access is enforced for users with access to that agency organization.
- The record become available to add and update responder administrative data.
- The record become available to add, edit and certify competencies.
- If required IRWIN data had been entered, then the record will be set to active with updated data (agency provider Unit ID, phone number, emails, dispatch Unit ID, etct). Connected systems are updated on this change. Better data for the community.
Once a user changes a responder record to an organization outside of their user security permission, with the exception of inactive (INAC), the user will no longer have access to that responder’s qualification record.
If you have a responder who has left your organization or is no longer actively participating as an incident responder, you may want to transfer their record to inactive (NWCG0, INAC).
Follow the process below to transfer a responder record to another agency organization or setting as inactive.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Job Data.
- Search and select responder.
- Click the plus (+) button in the top right corner of the Work Location page.
- Effective Date: Confirm the date is correct.
- Setid (Agency): Enter or look up the SetID for the new agency.
- If transferring to inactive, enter NWCG0.
- Do not transfer a record to ST000, instead set to inactive.
- Organization: Enter or look up the agency organization to transfer the record to.
- If transferring to inactive, accept the default value to INAC.
- No further information is needed
- Click the Save Button
- Unit ID: Enter or select the correct Unit ID. The look up will only return Unit ID(s) associated with the agency organization that was entered.
- Training Officer: Enter or search for the Training Officer.
- This is required to utilize the nomination workflow process. Alternate Training Officer is optional.
- Admin Location
- Accept NWCG0 as the SetID for the location code.
- Admin Location should auto populate based on the Org Code. Enter or look up a different location.
- If record was set to inactive, then Location will default to INACTIVE.
- Duty Station
- Accept NWCG0 as the SetID for the location code.
- Duty Location should auto populate based on the Org Code. Enter or look up a different location.
- If record was set to inactive, then Location will default to INACTIVE.
- Dispatch Unit ID: Enter or look up the Dispatch Unit ID
- Jetport: Enter or look up the Jetport.
- Select the Save button.
A responder's IQCS record can be exported and provided to an Incident Qualification System (IQS) manager for upload to the IQS application when the individual transfer to an organization utilizing IQS for qualification management. Only IQCS responder records in an inactive or archive status can be exported. Records that are being managed by an agency CAN NOT be exported and thus not available in the export lookup.
If the responder's record has been imported in to IQCS from an IQS XML document, any data fields that were not available for display in the IQCS application will be included in the export XML document. After the export file is created, it will be emailed to the IQCS user who is executing the export function and the archived IQS data will be deleted.
With the added functionality of attaching qualification documents to responder records and agencies transitioning to electronic records, it is important that account managers also export qualification eDocuments (attachments) and include them in an email to the IQS manager.
When a responder transfers from IQCS to IQS, an account manager may need to send all of the following to the IQS manager for the responder.
- IQCS qualification xml file export.
- IQCS eDocuments (attachments).
- Responder Master Record (C028) report.
- Agency qualification hard copy record.
Before beginning the export process, confirm that the responder record has been transferred to inactive (NWCG0, INAC). Only IQCS responder records in an inactive or archive status can be exported. Records that are being managed by an agency CAN NOT be exported and thus not available in the export lookup.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > IQI Import/Export > IQI Export.
- Search and select responder.
- The responder data is displayed.
- If you cannot find the responder for export, use the Search for Responder page to confirm that their IQCS record is inactivated. Only IQCS responder records in an inactive or archive status can be exported. Records that are being managed by an agency CAN NOT be exported and thus not available in the export lookup.
- Select the Export to XML File button.
- The encrypted XML file is created and emailed to the IQCS user. The export status shows the file name and email address.
- The email will be from nifchelp@blm.gov with the subject File Export.
- The XML file can be provided to the requesting IQS manager via email, USB flash drive or other electronic media.
- Select Return to Search button.
- Navigate to Qualification Management > Competency Management > Document Summary.
- Search and select responder.
- Select the Email Attachment button.
- An email will be sent to the email address on file for the logged in user.
- The file can be provided to the requesting IQS manager via email or other electronic media.
It is important to keep a responder's record current. Any time a responder's job or personal data changes, it should be updated in the IQCS. Data such as location, training officer, and organization/unit is used with the training functionality of the IQCS.
Job information (at the Job Data page)
- Agency
- Agency Organization
- Agency Provider Unit ID
- Employment Category
- Training Officer and/or Alternative Training Officer
- Admin/Duty Location
Personal information (at the Update Personal Information page)
- Name
- Address
- Phone
- Birth month/day
When updating information in the IQCS, select the + button to add a new row to the record. This maintains historical data. When adding a new row, all the data from the previous page will be copied from the previous record and editable. The easiest way to verify you are in a new record is by the effective date (which will be today’s date).
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Job Data.
- Search and select responder.
- Select the plus (+) button to add a new data row with a new effective date.
- Update data in the different tabs as needed.
- Select the Save button.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Update Personal Information.
- Search and select responder.
- Update data in the different tabs as needed.
- Select the Save button.
After a non-employee record has been created, it may be necessary to convert that record from non-employee to responder record to be managed in IQCS by an agency.
If the Convert to Employee button is present, and qualifications are needed to be managed in IQCS, then follow the following steps.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Job Data.
- Search and select non-employee.
- Select the Convert to Employee button.
- Confirmation of the action is displayed.
- Review and completed information as needed across all tabs.
- Select the Save button.
The Unit Summary page is designed to allow users a quick and convenient method of viewing, adding or correcting responder data. This page allows users to view, or have one-click access, to responder data. Access to responders is controlled by roles and permissions.
Mass changes to identified Training Officer, Alternate Training Officer, Certifying Official, Account Manager and Jetport is available. However, the ability to make changes to other responder data records from this page is not available. Changes made directly at this page leave no historical record for the responder. Those changes need to be made at the pages where that data is held to capture historical data; the hyperlinks identified in Table 1 will assist you in navigating to those locations more efficiently.
Navigation: Responder Administration > Unit Summary
To make the Unit Summary page function as a dashboard, hyperlinks will connect users to a specific responder’s data source page. Hyperlinks have been added on the Job Data and Personal Info tabs. When a hyperlink is selected a new browser tab will open displaying the corresponding page for the responder. If a change is made to data that is displayed at the Unit Summary page, the users must select the Load Responder Data button again to refresh the page and display the change. For example, a name change performed via the hyperlink at the responders Update Personal Information page will not be reflected on the Unit Summary page until the page is refreshed.
Job Data tab
This contains an overview of each responder in the selected organization code. Hyperlinks are available to edit responder data.
The FITCAT and RT-130 columns display the competency expiration dates for each responder. This display of information is modeled after Incident Qual Card page and the data is pulled from the responder’s Competencies page.
- Expired competency = date highlighted in red
- Current competency = date no highlight
- No competency = blank field
Personal Information tab
The Persona Info tab provides a quick glance at the information that comes from the responders Update Personal Information page. The last column contains the hyperlink to open the responder’s Update Personal Information page in a new browser tab.
Administrators tab
The Administrators tab provides a user the ability to see all the IQCS administrators for responders at one location prior to making changes. A user will not be able to change his or her own administrator data on the Unit Summary page via an individual change or a mass change.
The persons identified on the Administrators tab can be edited in the Unit Summary page; this change will update where data is displayed (i.e. Certifying Official at the responder’s Incident Qual Card page). The Mass Change functionality option works great to update/change an entire organization. However, an administrator changed via this functionality has no historical information retained in the system. Additionally, an Account Manager is only entered, and maintained, at the Job Summary page but this information is displayed on the Search for Responder page to provide a point of contact for the responder record that could be useful during a transfer.
Please keep in mind where the administrator data is coming from.
Each organization can define Groups to enroll a group of responders in a course session or document experience on an incident more efficiently than for each responder individually.
To create a group, follow the process below.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Groups.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Unit ID. Enter or search for the unit id for the new group you are defining.
- Group ID. Enter the group id for the group you are defining. This should be a short, easyto-remember code, up to six characters long.
- Effective Date. Confirm the effective date.
- Status. Confirm the status in the drop down menu. It will default to Active.
- Enter a Short Description (10 characters max) for the group.
- Group Type ID. Enter or look up the appropriate group type ID from the Group Type table.
- Description. Enter a name or description for the group (60-character limit).
- If necessary, select the users with access to the group. Remember that you use User ID and not EmplID.
- Select the Save button.
- Save before adding responders.
To add, or edit, members to a group, follow the process below.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Groups.
- Search for and select the group you want to add members to. Search by Unit ID.
- Select the Group Members tab.
- Group members can be loaded by individual responder or by organization.
- Individual Responder
- EmplID. If the responder’s EmplID is known, then enter it in a blank EmplID field and tab out for responder name to load.
- Look up. Use the Look Up feature to find and select a responder.
- Load by Organization
- To load an entire organization, enter or look up the Org Code in the Org Code field (located above the Group Members grid on the left side). Select Load Responders to populate Group Members list.
- If responder is already in the list, they will not be added again.
- Individual Responder
- Group Member Status Date. Confirm that the Status Date is correct.
- Group Member Status. Confirm that the Group Member Status is correct.
- Released indicates that responder will not load when the group is used
- Group Leader. If this member is a group leader, mark the Group Leader check box.
- Click the plus (+) button to add additional responders to this group.
- Select the Save button.
The creator of a group, or those assigned with access to group, can remove a group that is no longer relevant.
- Navigate to Responder Administration > Groups.
- Select the group you wish to delete.
- Select the Delete Group button.
- After clicking on the button, a warning window will open to ask the user to verify the requested action.
- Select the Save button.
In the IQCS application there are a number of times when users will create duplicate responder records for a single person. Typically it is accidental but it happens. For best records management, there needs to be a single IQCS record for each individual responder. If you create, or find, duplicate records please take the following action.
First, ensure that responder records are 100% the same person/responder. It is not the responsibility of the IQCS staff to validate that these records should, or should not, be merged but rather you must do this research prior to requesting a merge. Although you may not have access to all this information, we recommend comparing the following data to determine duplication or uniqueness. If you need help, reach out to your agency lead and they can look at records that you may not have access to.
- First, Middle and Last Names
- Are the names spelled the name?
- Are middle names entered, are they the same or start with the same letter?
- Did the person have a last name change?
- Birth Month and Day
- Do the records have the same birth Month and Day?
- Contact Information
- Are there similarities or matches?
- Does the email, phone or address reflect what is current or historical to the responder?
- Agency, Organization and Work History
- Does the work history align?
- Does it match historical or current agencies and/or work locations? Does it match up to competencies gained
- Competencies
- Do completion dates of specific trainings on the multiple responder records match?
- Do qualifications and task book position and dates match?
Second, if the records are in different organizations we recommend getting them to a combination of inactive or an organization you have access to. In some situation you will need to reach out to another user to resolve prior to a merge of records occurring.
Finally, after you have determined that records are duplicates for a responder, then yes we do want to get them merged together in order to have a single IQCS record for each individual responder. Please send a web request via the home page requesting to merge the duplicate profiles and we will get the records merged together per your request. Include names, their corresponding emplID’s and that you have confirmed that they are the same person.
Important! Once records have merged they can not be unmerged. If after the merge it is determined that they were two separate records, you must create a new responder record and then separate the data back out by manually adding and deleting records. There have been situations where multiple account managers must to work together to separate the data out in order to reestablish the two individual records.
- First, Middle and Last Names