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IQCS Standard User Account

  • There are two types of IQCS user accounts

    1. Responder user account - a user account for those that will be access their own record only and will not be managing other responder qualification records. Instructions for self access registration can be found here at the Responder User Account Process. If you have not completed the process to setup your login to access your record, then you will need to go through the registration page found here.
    2. Standard user account - a user account for those that will accessing and managing other responder's qualification records via the roles of account manager, training officer, certifying official, etc. Instructions for a standard user account can be found below.


    Standard User Accounts

    Effective November 1, 2023, per an IQCSCMB decision, requests for IQCS standard user accounts (new or modifications) are no longer be required to include role-based user training certificates when submitting to the IQCS Help Desk.**** Please check with your IQCS agency lead to determine if there are agency-specific requirements for role-based training. 

    The following process and instructions are for the standard user account only. Those wishing to access IQCS to view their own responder data need to follow the Responder User Account Process.

    Standard user account requests can be categorized as a New account or Modification to an existing account.

    • New 
      • Established an account for a user who has never held an IQCS standard user account.
      • Established an account for a user in a temporary detail if the user has never held an IQCS standard user account.
    • Modification (change)  
      • Modify an existing user account for a temporary detail requiring access and/or role changes.
      • Modify an existing user account to add or remove user roles.
      • Modify an existing user account to add or remove access.
      • Reactivation of a closed user account.

    Standard User Account Approval Process

    The request process begins with the requestor (see Requestor section for process) and then moves to the representatives (see Representative section) per a process that has been identified by the IQCS agency leads. All agencies have agreed that the account requests must be vetted at a agency representative (regional, state, etc.) level before being submitted to IQCS or to the agency lead depending on the agency-specific process. Please find the agency you work for and follow that process. If requesting access for an agency other the employed agency, ensure the approval process for that agency has been completed. Example, a FWS employee requesting access to FWS and US Air Force resources must be processed through BOTH the FWS and US Air Force approval process. 

    Roles versus Access

    • A role defines: • What menu items a user can access • What pages and tabs on that page a user can access • What reports a user can access to run • What actions a user can perform on pages.
    • Access defines: • What organizational codes (thus responder records in that organization) a user can access • What responder data (based on user organizational access) on reports a user can get.  


    If a users account has been inactivity (not logging in to) for 12 months it will be automatically closed. 

    Reactivating User Account

    If your account has been deactivated due an email rejection received or account inactivity (not logging in during the previous 12 months) a request through the users IQCS representative to re-activated must be placed. If no changes to roles or access, an email from the users IQCS representative is sufficient.

    IQCS Annual User Audit

    Each year a user audit will occur for IQCS agency leads and representatives to validate their users in the application. The IQCS User Audit Report is pulled and distributed as a tool to identify agency access to responder records and to validate if the following are still true for each user: • Does the account holder still require access to IQCS? • Does this person have roles no longer needed? • Does the user have access to organization code(s) no longer needed. The accuracy of data in IQCS relies on the user account holders having appropriate roles and access in the application.

    The review takes place in November/December, so things do change for many users during that time. The local lead IQCS account managers may have requested the change to a user's roles and permissions.

    Questions on user security and/the process? Please reach out to the IQCS Agency Lead or the IQCS Application Steward.

  • Standard user account requestor, please perform the following. 

    1. Complete the IQCS Standard User Account Request

    • NOTE* Role-Based User Training: Effective Wednesday, November 1, 2023, per an IQCSCMB decision, requests for IQCS standard user accounts (new or modifications) will no longer be required to include role-based user training certificates when submitting to the IQCS Help Desk.
    • NOTE* Agency Organization AccessAccess to another agency other than your own will require authorization from that agency per their process.

    2. Submit Standard User Request to your IQCS Agency Representative

  • IQCS agency representatives, please perform the following. 

    1. Review submitted request for accuracy and completeness.

    • If access to another agency is requested, you must ensure that authorization from that agency has been received at the local and regional/state level.
    • If a request is not complete or inaccurate, it can not be processed by IQCS security. 
    • If requesting access for an agency other the employed agency, ensure the approval process for that agency has been completed. Example, a FWS employee requesting access to FWS and US Air Force resources must be processed through BOTH the FWS and US Air Force approval process. 
    • Under the Comments section of the Standard User Account Form, please enter the Agency Lead that approved the org access. 

    2. Approved requests: submit form to the next appropriate level. 

    • BIA, BLM, FWS, NPS, TNC, and USFS 
      • Send request from the regional/state representative to IQCS security by submitting an online IQCS Help Request .
    • DOI EM, BOR, US Army, and US Air Force 
      • Send request from the regional/state representative to the IQCS agency lead for review and approval. 
  • IQCS agency leads, please perform the following.

    1. Review submitted request for accuracy and completeness.

    • If a request is not complete or inaccurate, it can not be processed by IQCS security. 

    2. Send request to IQCS security by submitting an online IQCS Help Request .